Friday night's HOME Boys' Basketball Game has been rescheduled to tomorrow, Thursday. Same time, 5:30PM for JV, followed by Varsity. Come out and pack the house as the Trojans take on the Seneca Irish!.
8 months ago, Chad Miller
Attention parents and players: All DTHS indoor sporting events will be streamed through T1 Sports. T1 Sports is a free app that you can download on your cell phone, computer, or tv to view any indoor, non-state series events.
11 months ago, Chad Miller
APPROPRIATE CHROMEBOOK USAGE Dwight Public Schools is proud to be able to loan Chromebooks to students for remote learning during this unprecedented time in education. We want to remind all students that the use of these school owned devices is limited to EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES ONLY. Students should be utilizing the Chromebook for teacher assigned and directed activities. Student logins are monitored and any misuse may result in your device being disabled. Some examples of misuse include, but are not limited to the following: general internet searches that do not pertain to teacher assigned activities, the use of websites such as YouTube for non-educational activities, and use of gmail for personal use. We are excited to see what our students are able to accomplish during this remote learning adventure!
over 4 years ago, Logan Murray